Work performed
The temperature, pressure and duration of heating varied in 11 different experiments (900 - 1200 C, 0.1 MPa - 0.5 GPa, 2-24 hr). Zircons were selected from previously studied suites that vary in age from 4.4 Ga to 20 ka, including Hadean samples from the Jack Hills, W. Australia and Barberton, S. Africa. Selected glass inclusions were analyzed by laser-Raman to determine the water content of glass and radiation1 damage in zircon; electron microprobe to determine the chemical composition of glass; and SIMS to determine oxygen isotope ratios of glass and host zircon, the water content of the glass, and age and trace elements in host zircons. We developed new protocols for the analysis of water and of key trace elements such as Nb, Sc and Ta by SIMS. We reported U–Pb/Hf/O data for zircons from Archean Saglek Block, North Atlantic craton,
suggesting that a depleted mantle domain existed in the early Archean and crustal reworking in the Archean.
We develop numerical techniques and run global models of Earth’s evolution spanning its entire age. Our current key finding is that the likely dynamic regime in the Hadean and Eo-Archean times was oscillatory, with interchanging of long-lasted subduction-dominated regimes and shorter non-subduction regimes, rather than previously suggested continuous non-subduction stagnant-lid or squishy-lid regimes.
Updated on 15 March 2023