Following people are funded by the ERC MEET project:
Principal Investigators
Alexander Sobolev
Corresponding PI
Petrology, geochemistry and geodynamic of Earth’s mantle over time, with a particular interest in olivines and their inclusions.
> Webpage
John Valley
John Valley applies petrology and geochemistry to understand the evolution of Earth’s crust with particular interest to zircons and their inclusions.
> Webpage
Stephan Sobolev
I’m using numerical thermo-mechanical models in global and regional scales to decipher physical processes controlling origin and evolution of subduction and plate tectonics on Earth, and evolution of the Earth’s chemical composition through time.
> Webpage
Associated Scientists
Renat Almeev
Zircon-hosted glass inclusion homogenization at high PT in an IHPV apparatus.
> Webpage
Nick Arndt
I work on komatiites, how they formed and how they crystallized; and on formation of the Archean continental crust in subduction settings.
Annie Bauer
Annie’s expertise is in the application of geochronology and radiogenic isotope geochemistry. She is interested in early crustal evolution and tectonic styles.
> Webpage
Valentina Batanova
Research Engineer
Management and support of IMAP analytical equipment, development of analytical methods for electron microprobe (JEOL JXA-iHP200F) and LA-ICP-MS (Agilent 8900 - coupled with RESolution SE). Developments of new reference materials for in-situ microanalysis.
> Webpage
Tyler Blum
I am interested in geochemistry, geochronology, and the evolution of crustal systems over a wide range of timescales; as part of the MEET team, I am involved in the development and application of trace element and isotope characterization methods.
> Webpage
Jean Braun
With Hannah Davies, I am working on the development and use of a planetary scale landscape evolution model to compute the sedimentary flux into subduction systems at various periods in Earth’s history as a function of plate interactions and climate erosional corrosiveness.
Fabrice Brunet
Trace-element distribution, crystal-chemistry and stability of spinel-group minerals
> Webpage
Carole Cordier
In the MEET project, I work on the Cambrio-Ordovician ophiolitic section preserved at Chamrousse (External Crystalline Massif, Alps), revisiting the U/Pb zircon geochronology of the ophiolite and studying how minor/trace elements in zircon grains do remain reliable petrogenetic indicators despite of subsequent HT° and BT° metamorphism.
> Webpage
Georg Feulner
I am interested in deep-time paleoclimate modelling; within the MEET project, I am working with Julius Eberhard and our GFZ colleagues to study interactions between climate and plate tectonics in Earth’s history.
> Webpage
François Holtz
Zircon-hosted glass inclusion homogenization at high PT in an IHPV apparatus
> Webpage
Postdoctoral fellows
Hannah Davies
I am developing and using the Fastscape landscape evolution model initially written by Jean Braun to compute erosion rate of continental landmasses to quantify sediment flux to the continental margin and subduction zones throughout Earth history.
> Webpage
Charitra Jain
Global-scale numerical modelling of Earth’s evolution with a focus on continent formation, initiation of plate tectonics, and crustal recycling
> Webpage
in hiring process - start in January 2025
Michael Pons
Developing comprehensive numerical geodynamic models that couple regional and global-scale geodynamic models with surface processes throughout Earth’s history to enhance our understanding of plate tectonic evolution.
> Webpage
Adrien Vezinet
Geochemical reservoirs: from early Earth to present-day / Effect of metamorphism onto the chemical and isotopic signatures at both the whole-rock and the crystal scale / Rates of crystallization in natural media
> Webpage
in hiring process - start in January 2025
PhD Students
Aleksander Chugunov
I’m working on the model of the evolution of the Archean mantle composition, applying petrology and geochemistry methods to understand magmatic events from 3.27 Ga komatiites of Weltevreden Formation, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.
Julius Eberhard
Using numerical and conceptual models, I am investigating the role of climate and its interactions with erosion and plate tectonics after “Snowball Earth” events and over the course of Earth’s long-term evolution.
> Webpage
Matéo Esteban
I am interested in the origin of the Siberian trap’s meimechites (ca. 251 My) which are one of the most magnesian melts of the Phanerozoic era. I am using olivine-hosted melt inclusions to retrieve their primary melt composition and their source characteristics.
Valérie Magnin
Mike Spicuzza
Senior Instrumental Technician
I support the sample preparation, instrument maintenance and logistical support for the MEET group at the University of Wisconsin.
> Webpage
Project Management
Carole Burget
Project facilitator in charge of budget monitoring, coordination and contribution to EU reporting, contractual issues, project dissemination, events’organization and HR issues
With the support of [**Angélique Carrara*] (Communication), [**Zoubida El Ghiyati*] (Expenses and Travel) and [**Fabienne Carlesso*] (Human Ressources).*]
Blas Barbera
UGA, Master student, June 2023 - September 2023
Laura Crisp
UGA, Posdoc, January 2023 - July 2024
Ekatarina Diadkina
UGA, Research engineer, March 2023 - March 2024
Javiera Flores-Rojas
UGA, Master student, May 2024 - July 2024
Daria Gavrilenko
UGA, Assistant engineer, May 2021 - March 2023
Maxim Gavrilenko
UGA, Postdoc, November 2020 - February 2023
Josef Gonzalez
MSN, PostDoc, January 2023 - June 2024
Jeff Hannon
MSN, Postdoc, November 2021 - June 2022
Charbel Kazzy
UGA, PhD Student, November 2020 - June 2024
Elodie Kendall
GFZ, Postdoc, November 2020 - May 2021
Valentine Milloud
UGA, Master student, February 2022 - July 2022
Emily Mixon
MSN, PhD Student, January 2023 - August 2024
Clara Pege
UGA, Master student, January 2023 - July 2023
Katie Robinson
MSN, Scientist, November 2020 - October 2021
Kei Shimizu
MSN, Postdoc, December 2020 - December 2023
Ihor Stepanenko
UGA, Master student, June 2023 - August 2023